I, the Parent/Guardian of the registrant acknowledge that novel coronavirus (''COVID-19") infections have been confirmed throughout the United States, including cases in Ohio.  In accordance with the most recent guidance and protocols issued by the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Ohio Department of Health, for slowing the transmission of COVID-19, the undersigned hereby agrees, represents, and warrants that neither the undersigned nor such participating children shall visit or utilize the facilities, services, and programs of SC (other than any exclusively online services and programs) within 14 days after (i) returning from highly impacted areas subject to a CDC Level 3 Travel Health Notice, (ii) exposure to any person returning from areas subject to a CDC Level 3 Travel Health Notice, or (iii) exposure to any person who has a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19. The CDC Travel Health Network is continuously updating this list and the undersigned agrees that they are aware of this list and the countries listed.  The undersigned  agrees to check the CDC Travel Health Notices list prior to utilizing the facilities, services, and programs of the SC, on a daily basis if necessary.

Additionally, the undersigned hereby agrees, represents, and warrants that neither the undersigned nor such participating children shall visit or utilize the facilities, services, and programs of SC if he or she (i) experiences symptoms of COVID-19, including, without limitation, fever, cough or shortness of breath, or (ii) has a suspected or diagnosed/confirmed case of COVID-19. The undersigned agrees to notify SC immediately if he or she believes that any of the foregoing access/use restrictions may apply.

SC has taken certain steps to implement recommended guidance and protocols issued by the Public Health Agencies for slowing the transmission of COVID-19, including, without limitation, the access/use restrictions set forth above. The undersigned acknowledges and agrees that SC may revise its procedures at any time based on updated recommended guidance and protocols issued by the Public Health Agencies and further agrees to comply with SC's revised procedures prior to utilizing the facilities, services, and programs of SC.  The undersigned fully understands and appreciates

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